REFUSE workers in Glasgow have voted to strike during COP26. Given the condition of the city, one might be tempted to ask “How will we notice the difference?”. I wonder whether the electric vehicles that will whisk COP26 delegates from their cruise ship accommodation to the conference venues have dark-tinted windows? That would help to protect them from the sight of mounds of rubbish and scurrying rats in the city to which they have been invited. Jill Stephenson, Edinburgh.
The SNP’s ban on nuclear power would have a fig leaf of cover and principle if all nuclear power-derived sources of electrical power were banned. But in another of these great feats of reverse logic, it seems electricity generated in the rest of the UK and France from nuclear power stations is welcomed and somehow not contaminated and has kept the lights on in Scotland for years. Alexander McKay, Edinburgh.
IT SEEMS that Scotland is about to close down for COP26. With a national strike being called for all trains Scotland will be brought to a standstill. The Scottish Government have backed themselves into an impossible position over the rail workers pay claim and now have been dealt an ace card by the railway unions using the COP26 to embarrass the SNP administration. Nicola Sturgeon will be burning the midnight oil trying to work out how she can blame Westminster. Dennis F Grattan, Aberdeen