Teaching young people how to budget their money, take the bin out or do their own washing could become part of West Dunbartonshire’s senior school curriculum.
A report brought before the education committee last week raised questions about preparing young people who are moving away from home for the first time.
Council leader Martin Rooney said: “The report states that more should be done to prepare young people travelling for study or moving away from home.
“Is that a responsibility that falls to the council, families or the Scottish Government?”
The education officers said that this was about finding out about what the council can do to support young people who weren’t prepared for the general life skills required from them.
Senior education officer Laura Mason said: “We really can’t underestimate that. It can be as simple as taking a bin out, putting on their own washing, budgeting their money to put tea on the table.
“Maybe we need to include that in our senior curriculum to help all young people leaving home.”