Voting has opened for Royal College of Nursing (RCN) Scotland members to have their say on whether to accept or reject the Government pay offer for 2022/23.

Members working in NHS Scotland on Agenda for Change contracts have been asked whether the Scottish Government pay offer is acceptable or unacceptable, and whether they would be willing to take industrial action, up to and including strike action, in response to it.

The RCN is recommending members reject the offer and has called for a pay increase of 5% above RPI inflation for NHS staff across the UK to ‘compensate for the failure of salaries to keep up with the cost of living during the last 10 years’.

Public polling has found strong support for an increased pay award for nursing staff, with 70% of those polled saying the offer was ‘less than adequate’ to recognise the value of nursing staff.

Julie Lamberth, chair of RCN Scotland board, said: ‘The pay offer is well below our expectations and what we need to reward us properly for the role we play, a role that is crucial in delivering safe and effective care. It is time for us to tell the Scottish government enough is enough. The pressures on nursing staff have long been unsustainable and patient care is put at risk due to low staffing levels.’

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