The UK as a whole displayed tremendous solidarity following the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth. Petty nationalism was set aside, except in a few expected cases. The unelected leader of the Scottish Green Party showed his “true colours” – much to his own detriment. Let us hope that such true British spirit will continue, and any further leanings towards a Scottish nationalist cause will disappear into oblivion. We are quite simply “Better Together”. Robert IG Scott, Ceres, Fife.
Just how much longer will this inept and incapable Scottish Government hide behind the pandemic to cover up the shocking failures in their domestic policy agenda? The latest waiting times in A&E departments are appalling and will result in unnecessary deaths. What will it take for Nationalist supporters to realise their dreams of utopia via independence are fantasy? It is time they woke up to the reality of a Scottish Government failing the people they are supposed to serve across all aspects of public policy. Richard Allison, Edinburgh.
Sir, – The huge Scottish presence at the Queen’s funeral is a reminder that they can try to take the bagpipes out of Britain, but you can’t take Britain out of the bagpipes. Allan Sutherland, Willow Row, Stonehaven.
We all know Liz Truss has a massive in-tray of problems. Not to be outdone, as usual, it now appears Nicola Sturgeon’s in-tray is even fuller (“Anger as ‘lack of SNP planning’ for refugees hits services”, The Herald, September 21). This is all due to the SNP’s biggest failing of not thinking ahead and is manifesting itself everywhere from lack of GP appointments, a dental service in crisis, hugely unacceptable A&E waiting times, a justice system in meltdown and an education system that is simply not up to the job. Ms Truss now appears to be making life even tougher for the SNP-Green alliance with expected income tax cuts and now possibly stamp duty cuts for house purchases, both of which will highlight the already higher cost of these north of the Border. All of this shortly before the SNP’s annual conference where party members might just be given a chance to shine a light on all of this. That ought to be an illuminating experience. Dr Gerald Edwards, Glasgow.
The latest Scottish A&E figures are truly frightening. We are just entering autumn with treatment times setting an all-time record – heaven help us when winter arrives. Week after week, Health Secretary Humza Yousaf has shown he is less effective than a chocolate teapot. Why is he still in post? Isn’t this his third attempt at being a Cabinet Secretary? Has Mr Yousaf been retained because Nicola Sturgeon’s cupboard of ‘future prospects’ is empty? It certainly looks that way. Graham Wyllie, Lanarkshire.