Sir, – As a besotted nationalist, Graham Bell (Letters, December 5) does not hold back with his disrespect and condemnation of our UK Government, while blindly forgetting to mention the toxic failures of his beloved SNP, or the fact that there has already been an “independence” referendum back in 2014. The SNP are experts at manufacturing grievances against the UK, but are useless at government. During 15 “independence”-obsessed years in control at Holyrood, the one thing the Nats have excelled at is squandering vast amounts of taxpayers’ money on unsustainable hand-outs, just to bribe and gather votes. Canny hard-working Scots will not be tempted by any pig-in-a poke offer, and will not be bought by cheap bribes or nostalgic 14th Century Braveheart drivel from the SNP, who are finding it exceedingly impossible to produce an “economic plan” for their ” independent” but ruled-by-Brussels Scotland. For the SNP to disrespect the result of the definitive 2014 referendum, and to keep squandering taxpayers’ money on neverendums until they eventually win once, is mafia democracy at its best. George Emslie, Bridge of Don, Aberdeen.
It is reported that the SNP’s new leader at Westminster, Stephen Flynn, is uneasy about Nicola Sturgeon’s plan to use the next general election as a “de facto referendum”. This plan has been dismissed by Professor James Mitchell, among others. After all, the vote will be a general election. The clue is in the name. Flynn’s objection is that such a strategy would put SNP MPs on the frontline of the nationalist struggle. Call me naive, but isnt that precisely where one would expect an SNP MPs to be? Jill Stephenson, Edinburgh.
The SNP plans to increase taxes for the middle classes in Scotland even higher to pay for the range of benefits they have pledged to pay. This will raise taxes for those earning £43,663 even higher as the SNP need to raise £750 million to meet their commitments. Scotland is already the highest-taxed part of the UK and this will make Scotland very unattractive for high earners but the SNP will blame Westminster for under-funding whereas the reality is the SNP is committed to spending money they don’t have. Dennis Grattan, Aberdeen.
By supporting the SNP’s Gen-der Recognition legislation Scottish Labour is missing a huge opportunity to win back seats in Scotland. In contrast, the Conservatives have not only allowed a free vote, their counterparts at Westminster are consider-ing legal action because trans people who move south of the Border could have difficulties obtaining pensions and benefits. I, and a million others, want a Scottish Labour comeback, but if they can’t get out of their party bubble and produce policies to meet the common sense views and needs of their natural voter base they are destined to be the “woulda, shoulda, coulda” guys (and gals) of Scottish politics. Allan Sutherland, Stonehaven, Aberdeenshire.
It’s depressing when Nicola Sturgeon is questioned about Scotland’s NHS and all she says is `it’s a lot worse in England’. Considering Scotland’s population is only 1/11th of England, that’s nothing to be proud of. P Robertson, Burntisland, Fife.