Sir, – As a besotted nationalist, Graham Bell (Letters, December 5) does not hold back with his disrespect and condemnation of our UK Government, while blindly forgetting to mention the toxic failures of his beloved SNP, or the fact that there has already been an “independence” referendum back in 2014. The SNP are experts at manufacturing grievances against the UK, but are useless at government. During 15 “independence”-obsessed years in control at Holyrood, the one thing the Nats have excelled at is squandering vast amounts of taxpayers’ money on unsustainable hand-outs, just to bribe and gather votes. Canny hard-working Scots will not be tempted by any pig-in-a poke offer, and will not be bought by cheap bribes or nostalgic 14th Century Braveheart drivel from the SNP, who are finding it exceedingly impossible to produce an “economic plan” for their ” independent” but ruled-by-Brussels Scotland. For the SNP to disrespect the result of the definitive 2014 referendum, and to keep squandering taxpayers’ money on neverendums until they eventually win once, is mafia democracy at its best. George Emslie, Bridge of Don, Aberdeen.