Scotland’s third sector is struggling to compete with other sectors when it comes to fair work, new research reveals.
The Scottish Centre for Employment Research was commissioned by Glasgow Council for Voluntary Service (GCVS) to analyse fair work across Scotland’s charities, social enterprises and voluntary groups.
More than 650 participants took part with many saying they faced significant barriers in terms of pay and retention.
While two-thirds of respondents had degrees and higher qualifications, average pay in the third sector is around £2,000 less than averages for other sectors in Scotland and the UK.
Many – 26.5% – on short-term contracts were found to have been in that situation for five years or more.
The survey also found despite many staff being motivated by their organisation’s mission, 55% were doing unpaid overtime each month.
As such, the survey’s authors said staff feel devalued and felt a lack of respect for their contribution.