In 2016, following the independence referendum, the Scottish Parliament received a tranche of new devolved powers to deliver £2.8 billion of social security payments. What the then social security minister Jeane Freeman declared was “the biggest transfer of powers since devolution began” would lead to a “social security system for Scotland that everyone can be proud of”.

Seven years on and Scotland is still not administering several supposedly devolved benefits – and might not be until 2026. Another example of a Westminster “power grab”, of which the SNP regularly complains? Quite the reverse. It’s the Scottish Government that has been asking for delays, much to the frustration of UK ministers seemingly eager to hand over responsibility.

And with the Scottish Government’s track record increasingly littered with failures – like the fiascos over new CalMac ferries, the deposit return scheme and highly protected marine areas, not to mention the state of education and the NHS – there are many critics who accuse the SNP-Green coalition of almost routine incompetence.

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