An Edinburgh Castle cafe named after British Redcoat soldiers is to be reviewed after some people claimed it was offensive to Scots.

Historic Environment Scotland (HES), which runs the castle, said it could rename its Redcoat Cafe after 32 years over its controversial historic links.

Critics have pointed to the British Army’s role in the Highland Clearances and the Battle of Culloden in 1746.

An online petition has had more than 3,200 signatures since Sunday.

HES said the cafe’s name “reflects the military history which is told throughout the castle” but that it would consider both sides of the debate.

Redcoats was an informal name for British infantrymen who wore their distinctive garment into battles – including those with Scottish clansmen.

The reopening of the cafe at the weekend following a refurbishment brought attention to the name, despite it being in place since 1992.

Edinburgh Castle’s Jacobite function room name will now also be reviewed.

Many took to social media at the weekend to criticise the cafe’s name when Edinburgh Castle tweeted about the cafe reopening on Saturday.

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