A MAN has been rushed to hospital after a gunman shot through the front door of a home in Stirlingshire.

Emergency services raced to Randolph Crescent in Bannockburn shortly after 8pm last night.

Pictures from the scene show what appears to be a bullet hole through a glass panel of the property’s front door.

The 38-year-old man was taken by ambulance to the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital in Glasgow for treatment after suffering minor injuries.

He has since been discharged.

A police presence remains at the house tonight where a section of the street has been taped off.

An eyewitness said: “It was carnage here last night and very, very scary.

“I noticed a car doing laps of the street a few times, and not long after 8 o’clock there was a massive bang.

“Then you heard a car screaming out of the street.

“I ran straight to the window but the car was gone and nobody was standing about.

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