Scottish ministers have been told their next climate change plan must comply with legislation passed by Holyrood 15 years ago.

Watchdogs at Environmental Standards Scotland (ESS) issued the challenge as they published a report saying there was “clear evidence” the most recent Climate Change Plan update (CCPu) “failed to meet the requirements” of the 2009 Climate Change (Scotland) Act.

Campaigners at Stop Climate Chaos Scotland, representing more than 60 organisations, had asked ESS to intervene and investigate the effectiveness of the 2009 legislation amid concerns sparked by Scotland missing eight out of its last 12 annual emission reduction targets.

In its report, ESS found the CCPu had “failed to meet the requirements” under the law to “quantify the emission reductions associated with all individual proposals and policies”.

ESS, which was set up to scrutinise public authorities’ compliance with environmental legislation, said it now expects the next Climate Change Plan from ministers, which has already been delayed, to “address this failure”.

The Bute House Agreement between the SNP and the Greens had committed the Government to producing a draft of its Climate Change Plan by the end of November 2023. But late last year it was announced this would be delayed, with the Scottish Government saying changes to UK government policy had impacted on its work in this area.

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