It is abundantly clear why the First Minister has decided to use the divisive rhetoric of having a “Tory-free” Scotland or questioning the “fitness” of Keir Starmer to lead the country. He stood as the “continuity” candidate following Nicola Sturgeon who one recalls saying she “detested” all Tories. He simply does not want to be examined on the disastrous policy record of an SNP government that has been in power too long. Further, the SNP continue with their quixotic Independence papers, with their latest paper on Defence in an Independent Scotland being universally derided but again it diverts focus away from their domestic record. Unfortunately for the First Minister, the forthcoming election will be dominated by the SNP’s utter failure in education, health and transport and no diversionary tactics will take that focus away. Richard Allison, Edinburgh.
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THERE is an unexpected item in the political baggage area for the SNP. It is the looming prospect of yet another legislative disaster. Humza Yousaf s Hate Crime Act was delayed for years because fallout was probably anticipated but it is much worse than forecast. Like so many other policies of the SNP/Green coalition, this one looks like a huge mistake too. The question is how many of these “mistakes” can any administration make before all credibility is gone? That moment looms. The big dilemma now for our Scottish Government is: does it hold out for as long as possible as a lame duck or does it ask the country for a new mandate? Neither choice looks good for Mr Yousaf. Dr Gerald Edwards, Glasgow.
MARTIN Williams’s article on banning prayers outside abortion clinics exposes the ineptitude of our current Scottish Government. These are a few examples of many: 1. Green unelected MSPs allowed to make hugely important decisions affecting society. 2. Attacking society’s fundamental right to freedom of speech and religion observance. 3. Discrimination against Christian believers. 4. A determination never to fall in line with English legislation be it good or bad, just because it is English. There is a parallel with Putin’s dictatorial powers – he is afraid of Christians too. Kate Forbes, where are you? Ray Brown, Strathaven.
Recently, an insurer asked me how much I thought the car I had bought last year was now worth. I am not qualified to judge, but it set me thinking about the Murrellmobile, which is now once more in the news. It’s about three years old, which means that its value must have depreciated significantly. The weather may have taken some toll on it. Perhaps it has had a more protected existence during its year of police custody. Mr Google tells me that, after three years, a car’s value will have depreciated to 58 per cent of its original value. This suggests that the Murrell mobile home is not now worth the £110,000, which the press insists on quoting as its value. At 58 per cent, it is worth £.63,800, all other things beyond its age being equal. Thus, in addition to the SNP’s recent loss of members and disappearance of substantial donors, it also has a seriously depreciating asset, but not under its control. There could, of course, be an obvious use for the vehicle after its release by the police. After this year’s general election, it could be just the size for conveying the SNP’s much shrunken parliamentary party from the House of Commons to the nearest expensive London restaurant. Jill Stephenson, Edinburgh.
PERHAPS Police Scotland could resurrect an old title for whoever is tasked with identifying hate crime, prayer crime and, indeed, any other crime this government sees fit to enact. I believe the position of Witchfinder General is currently vacant. John Rankin, Bridge of Allan.