A CAMPAIGNING councillor says overcrowding and a shortage of quality social housing is creating a massive emergency in Inverclyde.
Since being elected Colin Jackson has intervened for hundreds of people in his ward who are living in desperate situations, and in many situations their accomodation cisrcumstances has had a devastating impact on their health.
Councillor Jackson has spoken out after the Scottish Government called a national housing emergency.
But the man who represents the poorest ward in the country, with some of the worst housing, says their decision to slash nearly £200 million from the affordable housing budget has had a disastrous impact.
Councillor Jackson says in the private sector he warned ordinary families are being priced out.
He said: “I would say that in many cases the Inverclyde situation is even worse than the big cities.
“Most of my casework is housing, people who are living in overcrowded conditions, but there is nowhere for them to go because there are no bigger houses for them to move into.