Press release
Press Release for Immediate use
Education in Scotland
- The independent review led by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) delayed.
- Pisa report highlighting small improvement in reading but a drop in maths and science attainment, described as alarming.
News Article
Scotland Matters and Inverclyde ‘YES to the United Kingdom’ unveil a second billboard in Greenock. Again highlighting what should be high on the SNP Government’s list of priorities.
The First Minister said over this term of parliament she wanted to be judged on Education, well ask any parent or grandparent and they will tell you she and the SNP have failed our children on education. The latest billboard highlights its ‘Education not Separation’ she should be concentrating on, but, yet again the SNP have decided to prioritise an eleven point plan for indyref2 rather than a plan to improve the children of Scotland’s educational experience.
Scotland Matters and Inverclyde YES to the United Kingdom group, again call upon the First Minister and the SNP to drop their obsession with separation and improve Scottish children’s education.
Quote from Scotland Matters:
“We’re delighted to team up with Inverclyde ‘Yes to the UK’ group and again highlight what the SNP Scottish Government should be concentrating on; our children’s education and not separation. We can only hope that the First Minister and the SNP Government react in the same way as they did to the billboard on Vaccination by speeding up rollout, and acknowledge they have failed in leadership of our children’s education and it requires urgent improvement.
Quote from Inverclyde group, ‘Yes to the United Kingdom’:
Again we find ourselves having to point out to the First Minister and the SNP the need to put aside their fixation with Separation and concentrate on what really matters to the people of Scotland. The majority of Scots don’t want an eleven point plan for indyref2 or to listen to the SNP leader in the UK parliament insisting there will be a referendum in the latter part of this year, the Scottish people want our Government to put a plan together to improve the Education of our children.
‘Judge me on Education’ was that not one of the first statements in the new parliament in 2016 by the First Minister, well First Minister the report card is in and it say a FAIL. If the SNP say education has been a success under their leadership then produce the much awaited report on Scottish Education by the OECD.
But they won’t, and let’s face it had the review by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development , which has been ready for release as far back as February this year, and alarmingly for the SNP ahead of Scottish Parliament elections; been in any way favourable we would never have heard the last of this report from the SNP. The secrecy and delay the SNP have thrown around this report on Scotland’s education could be likened to a pupil concealing a poor report card from their parents.
We say again and hope the FM is again listening, Scotland needs our Government to focus on what matters, as the billboard says, ‘Education not Separation – Stop failing our kids First Minister’
People involed in this Billboard campaign
Inverclyde Group against separation from the UK – ‘YES to the UK’
In 2019 a group formed in Inverclyde to counter the continued threat of another divisive referendum by the SNP, they began by leafleting homes in Inverclyde highlighting the benefits of remaining in the UK. The leafleting campaign halted as the pandemic struck. YES to the UK Inverclyde group believe the majority of Scots still wish to remain in the United Kingdom as has been demonstrated by recent polls. The Inverclyde group believe the SNP Scottish Government should accept the democratic decision reached in the 2014 referendum and concentrate on improving our NHS, Education, economy, transport, justice and plan for recovery from the pandemic
Scotland Matters – Scotland Matters is a non-party political campaign group that want to see Scotland remain part of the United Kingdom. With followers across Scotland they have organised meetings around the country. Now they are teaming up with Inverclyde ‘YES to UK’ group to promote billboards calling on the SNP Scottish Government to concentrate on what really matters to the Scottish people.
Scotland Matters is registered with the UK Electoral Commission as a non-party campaigner. Our objective and activities are to:
Promote the benefits of being in the UK.
Highlight the issues of separation.
And communicate this to Scotland’s voters.