Holyrood/Glasgow Cabbie Protest, 2023
On Thursday, 12th January the Scotland Matters digivan did a tour of Edinburgh and the surrounding areas.
The van played the Mercurius “Great Pretender video which lampoons Nicola Sturgeon’s promises and non-delivery, and several images which highlight the SNP’s weak case for separation:
- After 15 years of failure they haven’t proved they have the competence or ambition to run an independent state and manage all the costs, negotiations and complexities of the transition.
- They have no settled plan or case for independence, especially in core areas such as currency, borders, debt and deficit, EU membership and NATO.
- How on earth they can replicate and continue the safety, social and economic cohesion, and world influence that the UK, the most successful economic and political union in history, provides.
The day also included a stopover at the Glasgow Cabbie demonstration at Holyrood.
As a cross-party campaign group focused on opposing the SNP and its separatist agenda, Scotland Matters offers no opinion on the main issue, the GRR and SNP education policy – our supporters and subscribers will have their own opinions on this issue.
However, the GRR appears to be yet another example of the SNP’s inability to legislate in a clear, effective and enforceable way that does not conflict with UK law – something we have been highlighting for some time.
In the runup to the demo, the organisers said “many groups with various problems with the FM and her Scottish Government are looking to come together at the event”, so Scotland Matters let our supporters know about it, we paid a visit, and our van was well supported and cheered.