Access to adult mental health services is “slow and complicated”, a new critical report from Audit Scotland has concluded.

It warns ministers’ plans to improve access are “not on track” despite commitments to increase spending on mental health.

The report found people in rural areas, those living in poverty and those from ethnic minority backgrounds particularly struggle to get mental health help.

And auditors also say there is a lack of data to properly assess the quality of service and whether it is improving the mental health of those who do get support.

Stephen Boyle, the auditor general, said: “The Scottish Government needs much more information to understand the difference its investment in mental health services is making, from specialist services to community-based support.

“That planning must include moving beyond using waiting times as the sole measure of whether services are improving the lives of those in need. And it needs to include a costed delivery plan for the care that people can expect in their communities.”

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