NHS patients continue to face long waits at Scotland’s accident and emergency units, according to the latest figures.

Despite the Scottish government target stating that 95 per cent of those attending A&E be seen within four hours, Health Secretary Michael Matheson has come under fire as the figure continues to hover between 60 and 70 per cent.

Statistics revealed by Public Health Scotland show that 63.5 per cent of patients presenting in the week up to November 19 were seen within four hours of their arrival, while 13.1 per cent people waited more than eight hours, and a further 5.5 per cent waited more than a staggering 12 hours to be admitted, transferred or discharged.

The data is the latest blow to Mr Matheson, who already faces calls for his resignation over reports that he misled the public about the source of an £11,000 data bill on his parliamentary iPad.

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