Nicola Sturgeon “hijacked devolution” and impersonated “a Prime Minister of an independent country”, a Scottish Labour peer has alleged.

Lord George Foulkes said the ex-First Minister “wasn’t good at running the Scottish Government” as he slammed the SNP for misusing devolution “as a vehicle to campaign for independence”.

Nicola Sturgeon “hijacked devolution” and impersonated “a Prime Minister of an independent country”, a Scottish Labour peer has alleged.

Lord George Foulkes said the ex-First Minister “wasn’t good at running the Scottish Government” as he slammed the SNP for misusing devolution “as a vehicle to campaign for independence”.

According to the former minister of state for Scotland, problems started with her predecessor Alex Salmond and continued under Sturgeon.

“She’s a very able politician and a very effective communicator but wasn’t good at running the Scottish Government and all the areas that she should have been running,” Foulkes told the Holyrood magazine.

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