Fears have been expressed that night-time cuts to North East minor injuries services may be a “sign of more to come.”

Health and social care chiefs approved an end to 24-hour clinics at Peterhead Community Hospital, Fraserburgh Hospital and Huntly’s Jubilee Hospital, to help save around £20 million from its budget.

Grampian is one of the lowest-funded areas per head of population in Scotland, and a “combined model” of MIU care to save money was first recommended by officials last year.

Units will shut between 7pm and 7am and residents were told they can access the Out of Hours GP care service (GMED) by calling NHS 24.

But at Holyrood today, Aberdeenshire West MSP Alexander Burnett warned residents in Huntly are concerned there will be no GMED service.

And he urged health secretary Neil Gray to pause the closures for “meaningful consultation” with residents.

During health portfolio questions, Scottish Conservative Mr Burnett said: “The cabinet secretary will be aware that the three minor injury units in Huntly, Fraserburgh and Peterhead are closing overnight to save money.

“There are now concerns that the GMED service will be reduced and cut from Huntly completely — all of which is contrary to what the community was told at the start of these closures.

“NHS Grampian is underfunded by over £77 million.

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