Join our leafleting team!

  • We’ll design and print punchy, persuasive leaflets.
  • Designed to get people to go out and vote the SNP out.
  • We’ll arrange the meeting points in target areas with high-density housing.
  • …so you can deliver the maximum number of leaflets per hour.
  • The first campaign will be the Rutherglen by-election this October.
  • We will also have an advan touring the constituency.
  • We are gearing up for a major campaign in the UK General Election next year.
  • To sign up use the form below or email

The only way to defeat the SNPGreens and their Indy obsession is to vote them out.

Good, punchy leaflets are a great way to get people out to vote and Scotland Matters has received wide praise for the graphics and messages we’ve put on billboards, advertising vans, social media memes and in our leaflet campaigns this year in the council by-elections.

The SNP have lost every election this year, with their share of the vote averaging less than 30%

Please help Scotland Matters keep it that way – sign up as a leafleter, FILL IN THE FORM BELOW!!