Scotland’s GDP is projected to grow more slowly than the UK over the next 50 years, according to the Scottish Fiscal Commission (SFC).
The independent body, which publishes economic and fiscal projections for Scotland’s economy to inform government spending, projected growth of 0.9% per year on average between 2028-29 and 2071-72.
This is compared to growth of 1.4% for the UK as a whole.
GDP per person is also projected to grow at a slower rate than in the UK, with the commission predicting an annual average increase of 1.3% in Scotland compared to 1.4% in the UK.
The SFC will produce a full report next year on Scotland’s population over the next 50 years and its impact on the economy, but its first projections were released on Tuesday.
Population, the commission projected, could drop by as much as 900,000 people by 2072, some 16% of the current figure.
Along with a projected fall in population, the labour force could also see a drop by 2072, the report claimed.