Scottish Government debts have more than tripled to £2.2billion – The Sun

Kate Forbes in Government takes Scotland back to 1950s, says Patrick Harvie – STV News

SNP seeks new leader as divisions are exposed – BBC News

Watchdogs warn of ‘gap in political leadership’ in flagship economic strategy – STV News

The SNP is heading for a civil war – can it be stopped? – STV News

Scotland’s leadership race plunged into bitter votes row – ITV News

Letters to the press, 14/03/23: ‘If one thing has become clear since Nicola Sturgeon’s abrupt resignation, it is that the SNP has been a one-woman band’

We really need a first minister for all Scots –

SNP have a code, like the Mafia – Kate Forbes broke Omerta by coming after Nicola Sturgeon – The Sun