Students at a Scots university are being told to withdraw from their courses due to a housing “crisis” leaving them with nowhere to live.
The University of Glasgow has been widely criticised by students for a “terrible” lack of housing provision which has left many desperately applying to letting agents and being forced to sofa-surf with friends.
Students have now been told not to enrol in courses and not to travel to Glasgow at all if they are unable to secure accommodation in the city in advance.
An email from the university sent on September 9, shared with STV News, tells students “do not travel to Glasgow” unless their accommodation is in place.
It reads: “If you are not currently in Glasgow and do not yet have accommodation in the city, please do not travel to Glasgow before you have somewhere confirmed. Please ensure that you have secured accommodation prior to completing registration and enrolment and travelling.”
In another email, shared with STV News, an advising team told a student: “If you have not yet secured accommodation in Glasgow the university is strongly advising students NOT to complete registration or enrolment or travel to Glasgow until you have done so. Not following this advice may have significant impact on you. It may be more appropriate for you to suspend your studies or withdraw.”