Independent Sally Cogley, 60, who founded the Rubbish Party, has just been re-elected in North Ayrshire after championing the single issue to clear up Scotland and now she’s taken the Scottish Government to task.
An independent councillor who ran on an anti-litter ticket has slated the Scottish Government for wasting money on a major consultation on the country’s chronic littering problem.
Sally Cogley, 60, who founded the Rubbish Party, has just been reelected in North Ayrshire after championing the single issue, she says is the “biggest environmental problem Scotland faces next to climate change” after being elected for a second time last week.
Mum-of-four Sally says Nicola Sturgeon’s government has failed to tackle the fly-tipping, dog fouling and littering “blight” which is making Scotland look “backward” on the world stage.
Calling for a targeted public information campaign, she said: “I would encourage Nicola Sturgeon to invest in engaging and educating people with a public information campaign – I think it would cost significantly less than all the local authorities have spent on clear up.