Maryhill Library: No plans to reopen historic venue sparks fury – Glasgow Times
FURY has been sparked by the decision to close a library that has served its community for more than 100 years.
There are no plans to reopen Maryhill Library, Glasgow Life confirmed today, after it was left off a list of venues to make a comeback after lockdown restrictions are eased.
The arm’s-length body, which runs culture and leisure facilities for the council, is looking for anyone with an interest in using the building to come forward and take it over under new plans to allow external parties control over former public facilities.
A spokeswoman for Glasgow Life said the organisation was “exploring how the community library provision can be supported in another venue as part of the city’s approach to community hubs”.
Bob Doris, the SNP candidate for Maryhill and Springburn, urged a rethink of the plans. He said: “I urge Glasgow Life to move quickly to bring forward re-opening plans for Maryhill Library at its current location. The local community want access to its library as soon as possible.
“The people of Maryhill should not have to wait whilst Glasgow Life consider any potential community hub plans.”
The decision was blasted as “shocking and devastating” for the community by Keiran O’Neill, the Labour candidate for the area, who has started a petition to save the facility.