Westminster Advan
Scotland Matters have hired an advan to tour Westminster displaying a letter to Boris Johnson which says “There are around 4.3m voters in Scotland. Only 1.3m, less than one third, voted for SNP, How can that be a manifesto for a second referendum?”
A spokesman for Scotland Matters said, “only a week ago polls were predicting a landslide for the SNP, and despite Nicola Sturgeon spinning the result this way, they failed to get an overall majority and are sustained in power by the Scottish Greens, a party whose manifesto trumpeted an accelerated shut down of our oil and gas industry, the very backbone of the SNP’s 2014 referendum campaign. They won this “tail wagging the dog” role by scamming the system and winning 8 seats with only 34,000 first preference votes.
How on earth is this a “historic victory” and mandate for another independence referendum which will be based on vote share, not seats won?
Scotland’s outlook is for more years of debate, division and decline, our best people leaving and investors shying away to more stable regions, such as North East England, run by a UK government whose focus on “levelling up” is attracting widespread electoral support and inward investment without bribing the locals with laptops, baby boxes and bikes.
Scotland Matters’ advans, newspaper adverts, billboards and social media campaign, (https://www.scotlandmatters.co.uk/billboards/) along with other groups supporting and promoting widespread demand for tactical voting almost saved the day for pro-UK parties. We urge them to take a look at what is happening across the border for inspiration, and we urge the Prime Minister to stand firm on his refusal to agree to a second referendum”.
Scotland Matters is an Electoral Commission registered campaign group. More information on Scotland Matters is available on their website at https://www.scotlandmatters.co.uk and they can be contacted on 07836 368030 or via email at info@scotlandmatters.co.uk